Be so completely yourself that everyone else feels safe to be themselves too.
I was born in Belgium, brewed in Antwerp and raised in the warmest nest one could imagine. Surrounded by my lovely parents, little brother and dear friends, I’ve always felt unconditionally loved. I grew into the person I currently am thanks to all these people in my life, along side every beautiful soul I met while traveling the world.
Friends and family call me Momma Bear, with reason. I’ve always had a passion for caring. The numerous (street) animals that cross my path, the stranger who needs help or the friend who needs a peptalk: they all have my full attention. After a degree in Psychology and a career in nursing, I’m ready to take my caretaking under the Portuguese sun.
The past years I’ve had the opportunity to travel and explore mesmerizingly beautiful parts of the world. What I discovered is that all the places I liked best, have something thing in common: honesty. It’s the ones where I felt safe to feel all the feels, where there was respect for the rhythm of nature and the pace of people around me. These places conquered my heart.
Realizing this, I started seeking honest spaces wherever I go. I want to feel at ease and be able to share my truest self with those around me. And I flourish by recreating this feeling for other open-minded and like-minded souls. I do everything I have in my power to make the ones around me feel comfortable and welcome, both in and outside Honest Place.
I’ve found that to me growing means being honest. About what I want, need and feel. But perhaps most of all about who I am.
I’m at the top of my game on the beach, close to the ocean. I feel alive when I get to walk around barefoot and feel the sand between my toes.
I sincerely love the touch of waves, the smell of nature in general, the sight of trees in the evening light, the taste of freshly picked raspberries, the skies turning pink, the sun that reappears after a heavy rain and the rainbow that comes with it.
I’m addicted to the sound of laughter, the smell of good coffee and the feeling of being fully alive and content.
I hope to contaminate you with these feelings. Starting this journey of becoming your host and entering a complete new chapter in my life, I couldn’t be more excited to finally share all these experiences and joy of life with each and every guest.
I wish to inspire you to become as in love with life as I am.
We all know that a story never truly ends; it simply evolves with new chapters. In that spirit, a new chapter has been added to my own story. As our guest, you will also encounter Nicolas, my boyfriend, who has been living here at Honest Place since April '23. We warmly welcome you and look forward to sharing this journey together.
Thank you for taking the time to read this part of my story, which is growing everyday. I am looking forward to listen to yours.